For the little kid inside you

For the little kid inside you
You can be on your deathbed and still be awestruck by how a table clock ticks. 

Kids are annoying, but they enjoy things more than anyone else. I’m always intrigued by how kids take in every bit of an experience. The world is fresh to them and even ants walking in a line baffles them. 

The fascination of encountering a thing or a situation for the second time gives us the chance to relive it once again to the fullest. The first time is usually novel and takes us a while to comprehend things. In that confusion, you aren't able to fully take it in. The second time usually holds a much richer encounter, you are first ecstatic about coming across it the second time. Second, this time you can focus more on enjoying the activity rather than trying to grasp the environment. And if you are lucky enough to get anything more than a second time, cherish it even more. 

I love jumping on trampolines. I scream when I see balloons. I could spend a lifetime looking at sunsets. I dance when I see soap bubbles. Fireworks fascinate me like a five-year-old. I look up to the sky and watch clouds change their shapes. From witches with no noses to giant whales with four tails. I like to watch a little drop of water race to the bottom of the window. Cheering always for the one who’s winning. I still run to open the door when it rings. I still desperately countdown to my birthday with six months remaining. I still enjoy listening to stories. My eyes twinkle when I see fairy lights and pretty Christmas decorations. I'm still fascinated by the world, like it's my first day here. Some would say there's no real reason to be excited about these things. But they are just too stubborn to accept that life offers a lot. Only if you can tap into the system of the universe and no, you don't need to be a hacker. The password is literally 123456. 

So remember when you are on your deathbed, look at the quartz clock on your bedside and say, "damn, Earth do be good."

I still have the little kid inside me (no I’m not pregnant) And you should keep it alive in yourself too!


  1. After reading this... the child inside me smirked ;)
    You go girl... love your writing💞

    1. Haha you are wonderful yourself too 💕
      Thanks for reading :)

    2. Incubating children inside you is kinda gay


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