Time is never right

Time is never right
Time is never right

You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to realize time is funky. Time is one of those terms that has numerous definitions. But we still struggle to under it. Yet, I find time fascinating for several reasons. Time is the most transient phenomenon we experience every moment. Miracles happen when people from the dead rise again. But time, bloody time. Never comes back, this makes me appreciate it ten folds.

Time isn't all that credible. It is notorious for being 'not right' for the 'right' situations. The idea of waiting for time to be perfect sometimes, can result in your whole life passing and still failing to find the suitable time. Would you want to live or rather die with the regret of not saying, doing, and experiencing wonders? It is so easy to put the blame on time. Just because it can't speak in its defence, we conclude it is the guilty party. In reality, we are guilty of crushing our own happiness by being too afraid. All this may sound grim. We may even resort to blame luck for not being on our side, but there is something we can do. Sometimes all you need to do is help luck a bit. Sometimes you need to tweak time to your advantage. Make your move without thinking of the consequences. For once, try to let your inhibitions not guide your actions.

Stop waiting to say something, to do something, and to experience something just because the time isn't right. Life will surprise you when you choose to take control of it. And then those times will be near perfect.


  1. Everything that could not live when it was possible comes and asks why. Why didn't you say or do. Do you have an answer ? I do not have.

    1. Sometimes there isn’t an answer or rather we don’t want to look for it


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